Holiday Party

CHapter Holiday Party

January 8, 2022

Monthly chapter meeting @ Noon

Party from 1pm - 4pm (officially, anyway)

McPete's Sports Bar and Lanes

590 Humboldt Dr, Big Lake, MN 55309

Come join us for some fun to break up a dull January. This is being organized as a Sand Dunes chapter members' social event, rather than a fundraiser. Chapter members, family, and guests are welcome. This event is intended to be family-friendly, so feel free to bring the kids.

$10 per person for pizza, bowling, and shoe rental (sorry guys, we're all on your own for drinks).

We will be in the party room near the front entrance. We will be holding our January monthly meeting in the same room immediately before the party (at noon).

CAER Food Shelf donation drive

In the spirit of the holiday season, we are also gathering donations for the CAER food shelf in Elk River. Food and product donations are essential for continuing to provide a variety of food, household, hygiene, and school supply options available for families in the community. Other options include birthday bag goods (plates, napkins, cake mixes, frosting, decorations, candles, gift bags, etc). Each month, CAER serves more than 600 households in the community.

Contests! Bragging rights! Embarrassment! Paper certificates! We've got it all!

  • Ugly sweater contest

  • Best facial hair contest!

(Gawd I hope a man wins that one.)
  • Most festive socks contest

A little something for the ladies.
  • Best hat contest


Bowling will be available until 3:30pm (because leagues start at 4pm).

EvilBob will be bringing the tunes. (Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.)